Technical/one-off residency

Technical support during the final stage of creation

Call deadline: open all year round.

Aimed at artists and companies in Catalonia, Spain and abroad.


laSala provides artists and professional companies with the option of carrying out technical and/or one-off residencies to provide creators with a fully-equipped space to stage their show.

The space allows companies to incorporate technical equipment (lighting, sound and audiovisual) and set design into their rehearsals.

In addition, at laSala we make it easier to transfer the space and technical resources in order to record the show for marketing and/or streaming purposes. It is also possible to make any technical adjustments that the show needs.

Duration of technical and/or one-off artistic residencies: 2 weeks maximum.

Possibility of open showings for schools linked to the project.

Call deadline: open all year round.

Aimed at artists and companies in Catalonia, Spain and abroad.

*The projects will be evaluated and approved based on availability in laSala’s space.



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